Phase 1 Fundraising Success

Phase 1 Fundraising Success

Phase 1 Fundraising Success

Thank you community, family, and friends!

Skills of Life Cafe has been embraced with an outpouring of support and excitement as we hit the pavement in our fundraising campaign.

Our Phase 1 for funding has been to acquire our classroom, the concession trailer.

We are pleased to share that with your community support, we have had successful fundraising events and have generated the minimal funds needed to purchase the build for our classroom, the coffee/snack concession trailer!

This is a huge milestone!

However, we still need to consider the required appliances, permit fees, registration fees, and expense to relocate the trailer once the build is complete. We are currently exploring fun ways to keep our Phase 1 fundraising generated. We look forward to keeping you updated and sharing our next steps.

Thank you all so very much for your part in Skills of Life Cafe!

With gratitude,
Skills of Life Cafe Team